女人/男人::觉得煮饭很无聊,也很浪费时间,出外吃方便又省事。。 或者打包回家一面看电视一面吃。。 包装袋一并丢进垃圾桶里。。。 干干脆脆的。。年复一年却慢慢的觉得生活变得有点枯寂。
其实好的家是需要有“好的家人”和“好的食物”。。。 花了心思准备了色香味的好菜肴, 然后全家人一起开饭。。 饭桌上无所不谈让情绪找到出口。。。这是我个人觉得“家”应该是要如此建立起来的。。。。我的老家只要有几姐妹坐下,就闹哄哄的,也是妈妈最开心的时刻。非常想念小时后的那段日子。。(Grace你也一样吧!)
我却看到自己的小姑连打包的面都懒到不愿意倒在盘子里而是直接在袋里吃, 因为懒得洗盘子。。。。(吃不是享受。。而是填饱肚子)。
当我们有时间了想坐下来慢慢的享用美食的时候。。。 我想那个人不会是家人而是好朋友。我们对朋友好过家人。可以有时间,可以慢慢吃。也可以轻声细语。。。
好的家不是由一个人建立起来的而是要一家人同心协力给与支持,可悲的是。。 男人却把它当成理所当然。。而女人则变成了廉价的工人。。默默地做到老,或许当女人懂得爱自己是可以选择让自己快乐而不再执作。。。男人才会开始懂得什么是家的定义吧!!
男人继续过你的“present life”吧!我们走着瞧!嘿嘿嘿。。。
yes. During childhood times, our dinner time will be sharp at 6.30pm without fail. Each member have to be back on time. otherwise, my father will use his power....this is how we all build up the relationships with family members. Start to miss it....
Are you talking to me? Well, you know me, I didn't mean to do what I did. I have to make a living out of town, not something I want to, but I have to because the job puts food on the table. By the way, the dumpling was great last Sunday and I enjoyed having dinner with the whole family as well. Keep up the good work.
I just combined some of my buddies family affair, don worry.. you are still a wonderful husband in my heart.. and a good daddy to Lucas and Shannon... forgive me for being too pessimistic sometime.
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